The SWS Wetland Interviews playlist offers videos on YouTube that highlight international connections in wetland science and increases knowledge exchange by interviewing wetland researchers and practitioners from around the world. Through this effort, the ‘Wetland Interviews Initiative’ also incorporates a Wetland Legends Series, by holding interviews with distinguished and prominent wetland scientists. Please check them out on YouTube.
SWS is soliciting further suggestions for interviewees that can speak about intercultural, international, and/or interdisciplinary experiences. The interviewee does not have to be a member of SWS.
The Wetland Interviews Initiative is also seeking SWS members interested in conducting these interviews (in English and other languages). If you are interested in nominating an interviewee or conducting an interview yourself, please fill out this form. The Wetland Interviews Initiative is hosted by the International Chapter and the SWS Webinar Series in collaboration with New Media Initiative.
Interviewee: Mark Headly
Interviewer: Roy Messaros
Subject: An engaging interview with Mark Headly that looked back into the earlier days of wetland regulation development. Mr. Headly reflected on his career path as a wetland scientist. Discussion involved the work in development of wetland and stream mitigation banks. Following nearly 20 years at Dewberry, where he was instrumental in starting their wetland delineation and permitting practice, Mr. Headly spent the rest of his career at Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc., founded in 1991, where he was involved with the Clean Water Act permitting and the regulatory requirements in Virginia and Maryland. It was fascinating to hear how far the field has progressed with mitigation and wetland banks.
Interviewee: Max Finlayson
Interviewer: Roy Messaros
Subject: A very engaging discussion with Dr. Colin Maxwell (Max) Finlayson as he leads us through his early career as a wetland scientist to the present. He explains how he started from a narrower base and expanded into a wider appreciation of ecology and interactions between different parts of the ecosystem. This led to working with issues of climate change. Dr. Finlayson has been involved with the RAMSAR Scientific & Technical Review Panel of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (1990-present). Current interests include interactions between climate change, human well-being and ecosystem services from lakes, wetlands, and rivers under global change scenario.
Entrevistado: Dr. Judith Rosales
Durante la entrevista, Judith nos contó sobre sus inicios como bióloga interesada por los humedales, sus investigaciones en distintos países, dejándonos un mensaje sobre los desafíos de estudiar los Humedales en Latinoamérica.
Entrevistado: Dr. Néstor Mazzeo
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Interviewee: Swapan Paul
Interviewer: Roy Messaros
Subject: This interview with Swapan Paul provides a truly global perspective on wetlands. The discussion included the importance of wetlands for climate stability and resilience. He provided background of how a major city like Sydney Australia has successfully integrated the management of wetlands in an urban setting. Mr. Paul is a water and wetland scientist, aquatic ecologist, educator, and a nature conservation champion with nearly four decades of combined experience gained in Australia and overseas. Mr. Paul has had a very interesting career path starting as a research fellow at the National Council for Science & Technology, Bangladesh and currently has been working at the Sydney Wetland Institute as Lead Scientist. The interview covers discussion concerning Ramsar, his contributions to the Society of Wetland Scientists, and the opportunities and choices that influenced his career path.
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Interviewee: Kathy Ewel
Interviewer: Roy Messaros
Subject: This interview with Dr. Kathy Ewel provides an interesting perspective on the early days of the Society of Wetland Scientists and what inspired those that crafted the mission to promote best practices in wetland research, education, conservation, preservation, restoration, and management. Dr. Ewel is Professor Emerita at the University of Florida. She is a systems ecologist specializing in wetland ecology. She served the Society of Wetland Scientists as Vice-President, President, and Past President from 2003-2006. In 2013, Dr. Ewel was named a Fellow of the Society of Wetland Scientists.
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Entrevistado: Dr. Carlos Andrés Lasso Alcalá
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Interviewee: Marinus Otte
Interviewer: Dr. Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães
Subject: Dr. Marinus L. Otte is a professor at North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, USA, and has specialized in wetlands research and education for more than 30 years, with a strong focus on pollution and phytoremediation. During the interview, we talk about her experience on wetlands in the Netherlands, the USA, China, Taiwan, Mexico, and other sites worldwide. Marinus shared his past and current projects with the audience and how he has connected with global projects, including his recent water & wetlands project as a Fulbright Specialist ( Marinus leave a key message for future generations of wetland scientists through his legacy on wetland studies and protection.
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Entrevistada: Dra. María Fátima Mereles Haydar
Entrevistadora: Sylvina Casco
Sujeto: La Dra. Fátima Mereles es Investigadora Asociada del Centro para el Desarrollo de la Investigación Científica (CEDIC), Fundación Moisés Bertoni y Laboratorios Díaz-Gill en Asunción (Paraguay). Es especialista en botánica acuática, dedicada a estudiar las líneas de investigación sobre Taxonomía y Sistemática de la flora vascular, con énfasis en las monocotiledóneas y fabáceas. Especialidad: Eleocharis R. Br. (Eleocharidae-Cyperaceae) y Scirpeae; Ecología de la vegetación, con énfasis en la región del Chaco boreal (Paraguay) y los Cerrados; Ecología de Humedales de aguas continentales, con énfasis en la flora de aguas lénticas y lóticas y sus hábitats; Aplicaciones de la flora: Recursos Fitogenéticos o parientes silvestres de especies comercialmente importantes, especialmente para la alimentación y la agricultura. En la entrevista, se recorrió el camino como estudiante y científica de la Dra. Mereles, su vinculación con la Sociedad de Científico de Humedales, dejando un mensaje estímulo a los jóvenes que quieran dedicarse al estudio de los humedales.
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Interviewee: Mallory Gilbert
Interviewer: Roy Messaros
Subject: Beginning with a discussion on how Mallory Gilbert started his career in wetland science and how his interest was captured working with soils, this interview continues with his career path and where he has been employed. He speaks of notable successes working with wetlands and also discusses current efforts in his more than four decades as a wetland scientist. The interview addresses pursuing a career in wetland science and how it is a great field to enter to make a difference providing benefits to humanity. The interview provides a great perspective working in wetland science and opportunities that exist for gratifying careers.
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Interviewee: Roy Gardner
Interviewer: Roy Messaros
Subject: Professor Roy Gardner currently works as an independent expert consultant on wetland conservation and wise use issues. He was the Deputy Secretary General of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands from 2000 to 2014, with overall responsibility for the Convention’s global development and delivery of scientific, technical and policy guidance and advice and communications as the Convention Secretariat’s senior advisor on these matters. He has long-standing experience in, and a strong commitment to, environmental sustainability supported through the transfer of environmental science into policy-relevance and decision-making at national and international scales. Research interests include ecology, assessment and conservation of coastal and inland wetlands, conservation and sustainable use, impact assessments and restoration ecophysiology and flyway conservation of migratory waterbirds Integrated coastal zone management.
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Interviewee: Patricia Moreno-Casasola
Interviewer: Sergio Salinas-Rodriguez
Subject: En esta ocasión, la Iniciativa de Entrevistas de Humedales de la Sociedad de Científicos de Humedales (Society of Wetlands Scientists) nos acompaña la Dra. Patricia Moreno-Casasola Barceló, profesora de tiempo completo del Instituto de Ecología en México, ecologa destacada por su trabajo en la delimitación y clasificación de humedales, perteneciente al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, gran impulsora en el establecimiento de sitios Ramsar, entusiasta comprometida con la promoción de estos ecosistemas para realizar ecoturismo guiado por comunidades rurales y directora de una ONG llamada "Cénagas y Humedales".
Interviewee: Dr. Nick Davidson
Interviewer: Anna Puchkoff
Subject: We ask Dr. Davidson about his experiences in wetland conservation, from his childhood interests to his global work on the Ramsar Convention. He describes how Ramsar has fared in implementation since its inception almost 50 years ago, and provides insight and inspiration for improvements and steps moving forward. We talk about the valuable community science to provide updates on the state of wetlands globally, including soliciting survey input from SWS members and all those who get to enjoy wetlands! Recorded in June 2020.
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Interviewee: Antonio Lot Helgueras
Interviewer: Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães
Subject: We follow Dr. Lot's career journey during the past 50 years as a professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico as he tells stories of his valuable experiences and insights along the way. He also discusses the aquatic plants in the prehispanic period, his book about iconography and aquatic plants in Mexico City, water management, and the evolution of wetland policies in Mexico. Recorded in April 2020.
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Interviewee: Armando Rivas
Interviewer: Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães
Subject: We follow Dr. Rivas' career journey from his experience with wastewater treatment in Japan to his current work as a researcher at the Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua, IMTA. He tells stories of his valuable experiences and insights along the way. He also discusses his participation as a founder of the Red Panamericana de Sistemas de Humedales. Recorded in March 2020.
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Interviewee: Doug Wilcox
Interviewer: Roy Messaros
Subject: We follow Dr. Wilcox's career journey from childhood interests to his current work as a professor at Stonybrook University in NY as he tells stories of his valuable experiences and insights along the way. He also discusses his new book, Wetland Legends. Recorded in February 2020.
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Dr. Carolina Rojas Quezada (Institute of Urban Studies, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)
Dr. Juanita Aldana-Domíngue (Universidad del Norte Colombia)
Dr. Paola Moschella (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru)
Interviewer: Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães
Subject: Urban Wetlands in Latin America
Three remarkable wetland researchers from Colombia, Peru, and Chile discuss their work on developing a project about urban wetlands in their respective countries. These three researchers won a sustainable research grant for Latin Americans to conduct this research and share their experiences. Recorded in November 2019.
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