Posts Tagged ‘Letters of Comment’
20,000 scientists warn that repeal of Wetlands Rule puts important aquatic resources at risk
The rule to repeal the 2015 Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Clean Water Rule (CWR) was filed on July 27 in the Federal Register. Comments on the proposed rule to repeal are due by August 28. The U.S. EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers first announced their intent to repeal and replace WOTUS CWR on June…
Read MoreSWS supports the Herring River Restoration Project
SWS sent a letter of support for the Herring River Restoration Project at the Cape Cod National Seashore in Wellfleet and Truro, Massachusetts. Project partners and supporters include the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration. This project will apply cutting…
Read MoreSWS and partners support FY2018 funding for scientific research and education
SWS joined the American Institute for Biological Sciences (AIBS), and many other leading biological science organizations, in signing a letter to Congress urging strong investment in scientific research and education in fiscal year 2018, and rejecting deep cuts to federal research programs, such as those proposed by the U.S. President in his proposed budget. Read the…
Read MoreEndorsement of amici curiae brief of wetland and water scientists in support of the Clean Water Rule
Representing over 200,000 members and 130+ professional societies and research organizations, the Society of Wetland Scientists, along with the American Fisheries Society, American Institute for Biological Sciences, Ecological Society of America, Phycological Society of America, Society for Ecological Restoration and Society for Freshwater Science sent letters supporting the Waters of the United States Clean Water…
Read MoreCASS letter to President-Elect Trump
In late November, the Consortium of Aquatic Sciences Societies (CASS) wrote a Letter of Comment to President-Elect Trump about its concern for the future of the nation’s aquatic resources. SWS President Gillian Davies signed the letter in support: Dear President-Elect Trump, The Consortium of Aquatic Scientific Societies (CASS) is writing to offer our best wishes…
Read MoreSWS letter to Mayor Chen regarding the Jiading Wetland
SWS leaders wrote a Letter of Comment to Mayor Chu Chen of Kaohsiung City, Taiwan about their concern for the Jiading Wetland area. The local government recently approved construction plans for Road 1-4 that will disturb the wetlands: Mayor CHEN, Chu Mayor of Kaohsiung City Government Taiwan 5 October 2016 Dear Mayor Chen: On behalf…
Read MoreScienceDebate’s 2016 top presidential questions
Attached please find a presidential candidates questionnaire entitled: 2016’s Top Presidential Science, Engineering, Technology, Health and Environmental Questions. These 20 questions were solicited from the public and refined by experts at America’s leading nonpartisan science and engineering organizations. President Obama, Senator McCain, and Governor Romney answered similar questions in 2008 and 2012. Our promotion of their responses garnered more…
Read MoreSWS tells Congress amendment 3140 to Energy Policy Modernization Act would make climate change worse
Dear Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Minority Leader Harry Reid, Chairwoman Lisa Murkowski, and Ranking Member Maria Cantwell: We are 65 research scientists and practitioners who study energy, soils, forested and wetland ecosystems and climate change. We are writing in our individual capacities to express our concern over the implications of a “forest biomass carbon neutrality” Senate Amendment 3140 to…
Read MoreSWS urges mayor of Ohrid to preserve Studenchista Wetland and Lake Ohrid ecosystem
Authored by Jos T.A. Verhoeven, Ph.D., Society of Wetland Scientists Europe Chapter President, and supported by SWS scientists Kimberli Ponzio, James Perry, Keith Edwards, Matthew Simpson, Rob McInnes Mr. Nikola Bakračeski Mayor of the City of Ohrid Dimitar Vlahov Street No. 57 6000 Ohrid R. Macedonia Respected Sir, On behalf of the Society of Wetland…
Read MoreSWS responds to U.S. Wildlife Conservation Blue Ribbon Panel
Earlier this summer, the Society received a request from a Blue Ribbon Panel on Sustaining America’s Diverse Fish and Wildlife Resources for information on how to equitably and sustainably finance fish and wildlife conservation to help prevent more species from becoming endangered. The Panel reached out to influential organizations for ideas on how to sustainably fund conservation work that…
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