***Application deadline extended! Submit your applications for Student Section leadership positions through December 15th.***
Executive Board Positions
These members will participate in regular executive board meetings and will act as the voice of the Student Section in the larger Society. They will thus be expected to liaise with committee members to ensure the Section is fulfilling its mandate to provide opportunities needed and wanted by the student members of the Society of Wetland Scientists.
Open positions are marked with an asterisk(*); if you are interested in an open position after the application deadline, please send us an inquiry email.
Position Description:
The immediate past chair serves a one year term to provide continuity within the executive board of the Student Section. They typically will be the individual with the most time served on the board. It is a continued commitment of the section chair to serve in this advisory capacity following their chair year.
- Act as Chair for both the Nominating Committee and Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee.
- Perform the duties of Chair if both the Chair and Chair-Elect are unable to act.
- Serve as Parliamentarian at meetings.
- The Immediate Past Chair shall remain as a non-voting member of the board.
Election Information:
There is no election for the Immediate Past Chair. This position will be held by the outgoing chair of the section.
The section Chair serves a three-year term:
- Year 1: Chair-Elect
- Year 2: Chair
- Year 3: Immediate Past Chair
Application Information:
There is no application for this position.
Position Description:
The chair of the student section serves as the voice of students within SWS. As such, they will hold a voting position on the board of the Society at large
- Conduct the general business of the Student Section.
- Make appointments authorized in the Standing Rules.
- Establish special committees required for the business of the Student Section.
- If possible, attend the Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, and the Mid-year Board Meeting (usually a conference call) of the Society, as well as, participate in other SWS meetings as appropriate, or appoint another Board Member or Section Member to attend the meeting.
- Exercise such other responsibilities determined from time to time by action of the Student Section or its Board of Directors.
- Prepare and submit Section Reports, as directed by SWS, typically twice per year.
Election Information:
There is no election for the Chair. This position will be held by the Chair-Elect of the section.
The section Chair serves a three-year term:
- Year 1: Chair-Elect
- Year 2: Chair
- Year 3: Immediate Past Chair
Application Information:
There is no application for this position.
The Chair-Elect is the first position in a three-year sequence of service. The Chair-Elect's primary objective is to shadow the Chair and Immediate Past Chair to learn the day-to-day operations of the Student Section. This mentorship and coaching period will also be used to develop an initiative which they will implement during their Chair year.
The Chair-Elect will:
- Assist the Chair and perform the duties of the Chair when that officer is absent or unable to act.
- Serve as Parliamentarian at meetings when the Immediate Past Chair is not available.
- Act as Archives liaison to SWS staff, ensuring that appropriate Student Section documents are archived.
Current students and students who have graduated within the past 12 months
Election Information:
The Chair-Elect is elected by the Student Section's members. The Chair-Elect candidate with the most votes from section members will be elected the section's chair-elect and shall serve a three-year term, as described below.
- Year 1: Chair-Elect
- Year 2: Chair
- Year 3: Immediate Past Chair
Application Information:
Executive Board applications open annually on October 1 and are due annually on December 1 at 11:59 pm EST.
Position Description:
The offices of secretary and treasurer are combined into one officer position. They are tasked with ensuring that the section remains in good standing with respect to its leadership team and members. It should be noted that the secretary/treasurer will work closely with the chair and chair-elect, and duties may often be shared among the three officers.
The duties of the secretary/treasurer are as follows:
- Record minutes of the annual meeting of the Student Section and all called meetings of the Board of Directors. Distribute minutes to Board members.
- Request updated mailing list of Section members from SWS. Provide copies of membership lists to Board of Directors when requested to do so.
- Certify eligibility of voting members.
- Direct all correspondence received to the appropriate board member as needed.
- Prepare and mail correspondence at the direction of the Executive Board members.
- Maintain a file of correspondence and records of the Student Section business.
- Maintain and update copies of the Bylaws and Standing Rules; make updated copies available on the website.
- Prepare semi-annual reports of membership status.
- Keep a digital roster of the members in good standing.
- Serve as the Chairperson of the Membership Committee.
- Serve as back-up signatory to the treasurer on Student Section financial accounts.
- Administer the financial resources of the Student Section in accordance with all applicable laws and requirements set by the SWS, local, state, or federal governments.
- Pay all bills of the Student Section as authorized by the Chair or the Board of Directors.
- Prepare annual budgets and/or statements as necessary and present at the annual meeting of the Student Section and provide budget to the SWS Treasurer.
Current students and students who have graduated within the past 12 months
Election Information:
The Secretary and Treasurer Officer is elected by the Student Section's members. The candidate with the most votes from section members will be elected the section's Secretary and Treasurer Officer and shall serve a two-year term. They may serve up to three consecutive terms.
Application Information:
Executive Board applications open annually on October 1 and are due annually on December 1 at 11:59 pm EST.
The application is currently closed.
Position Description:
The Graduate Representative will be a voting member of the student section executive board. They will act as the voice of undergraduate students in SWS.
Current students and students who have graduated within the past 12 months
- Liaise with graduate students to ensure the student section is fulfilling its mandate to provide opportunities needed/wanted by these members
- Participate in regularly scheduled executive board meetings
Election Information:
The Graduate Representative is elected by the Student Section's members. The candidate with the most votes from section members will be elected the section's Graduate Representative and shall serve a one-year term.
Application Information:
Executive Board applications open annually on October 1 and are due annually on December 1 at 11:59 pm EST.
Position Description:
The Undergraduate Representative will be a voting member of the student section executive board. They will act as the voice of undergraduate students in SWS.
Current students and students who have graduated within the past 12 months
- Liaise with undergraduate students to ensure the student section is fulfilling its mandate to provide opportunities needed/wanted by these members
- Participate in regularly scheduled executive board meetings
Election Information:
The Undergraduate Representative is elected by the Student Section's members. The candidate with the most votes from section members will be elected the section's Undergraduate Representative and shall serve a one-year term.
Application Information:
Executive Board applications open annually on October 1 and are due annually on December 1 at 11:59 pm ETS.
Committee Positions
These members will participate in regular board meetings and will act as the voice of these respective committees in the student section. They will thus be expected to coordinate the activities of their respective committees to ensure the student section is fulfilling its mandate to provide opportunities needed and wanted by the student members of the Society of Wetland Scientists.
Available opportunities on each committee include both Committee Chair and Committee Member. Open positions are marked with an asterisk(*); if you are interested in an open position after the application deadline, please send us an inquiry email.
Committee Chair applications open annually on October 1 and are due annually on December 15 at 11:59 pm EST.
Committee member applications will be entertained year-round on a rolling basis at the discretion of the committee chair. Please contact us to express your interest.
Committee Description:
The Committee shall be responsible for recommending the names of candidates for elected offices and assembling their resumes for distribution to members of the Student Section. The Immediate Past Chair shall serve as Chairperson; if the Immediate Past Chair is not available, the Chair shall appoint a member in good standing, preferably one who has served as an officer of the Society of Wetland Scientists (Student Section or International).
Current students and students who have graduated within the past 12 months.
Election Information:
- Preliminary nominations for officers are to be solicited from the membership through the Immediate Past Chair.
- The Committee will consist of the Immediate Past Chair and two designees. Designees are to be selected by the Chair, with the intent to maximize geographic diversity. The term of duty for members of the Nominating Committee shall extend from their appointment for a period of two years. The terms of duty for the two designates shall be staggered, whenever possible, to provide continuity to the Committee over time.
- The list of preliminary nominations will be passed to the Committee, which will prepare a final slate of candidates.
Committee Chair
Position Description:
The Committee Chair position will be held by the Immediate Past Chair of the Student Section. Their role will be to coordinate with committee members to identify and vet suitable applicants for leadership positions in the Section. They will also designate their two committee members and send out the call for applicants.
Committee Members
Position Description:
Committee Members will be selected by the Committee Chair. They will be tasked with working with the Chair to prepare the call for applicants for leadership positions and vetting applicants. Together with the Chair, Members will submit recommendations to the Executive Board for consideration.
Application Information:
Application Information" under the "Committee Member" heading to read: "Formal recruitment for committee members begins April 1 and applications are due annually on May 1 at 11:59 pm EST. However, committee member applications will be entertained year-round on a rolling basis at the discretion of the committee chair. Please contact us to express your interest.
This committee shall consist of the Immediate Past Chair (Chairperson), the Chair, and the Chair-Elect, and serves as the Student Section’s official authority regarding all matters pertaining to the organization’s bylaws and standing rules. This committee is responsible for ensuring that the bylaws and standing rules are accurately maintained and updated. If the Immediate Past Chair is not available, the Chair shall appoint a member in good standing, preferably one who has served as an officer of the SWS (Student Section or International).
Current students and students who have graduated within the past 12 months.
Election Information:
There is no election for this committee, as committee members are the executive leadership of the Section.
Committee Chair
Position Description:
The Committee Chair position will be held by the Immediate Past Chair of the Student Section. Their role will be to coordinate with committee members to identify and vet suitable applicants for leadership positions in the Section. They will also designate their two committee members and send out the call for applicants.
Committee Members
Position Description:
Committee Member will be selected by the Committee Chair. They will be tasked with working with the Past Chair, Chair, and Chair-Elect to ensure that the bylaws and standing rules are accurately maintained and updated.
Application Information:
Formal recruitment for committee members begins April 1 and applications are due annually on May 1 at 11:59 pm EST. However, committee member applications will be entertained year-round on a rolling basis at the discretion of the committee chair. Please contact us to express your interest.
The Committee shall be responsible for disseminating information regarding Section activities and wetland issues relevant to the Student Section. The Committee will collaborate with the Membership Committee in order to increase the membership of the Student Section. This Committee shall work collaboratively with the Education Committee and the Annual Meeting Committee to publicize and communicate about Chapter events and activities. Primary duties of this committee include updates to the Section website, maintenance of social media, and publication of the Student Section newsletter. Subcommittees may be formed within this committee at the discretion of the Communications Committee Chair. There is generally a maximum of five members; however, the Committee Chair may request for a vote of the Executive Board of the Student Section to expand this number if needed.
Current students and students who have graduated within the past 12 months.
Election Information:
- Preliminary nominations for Committee members are to be solicited from the membership through the nominating committee.
- The Committee will consist of the Communications Chair and five members. Members are to be selected by the Committee Chair to support Communications activities as needed.
- The list of preliminary nominations will be passed to the Committee Chair, which will select a final slate of members.
Committee Chair
Position Description:
The Communications Chair shall oversee the work of the Communications Committee. The Committee shall be responsible for disseminating information regarding Section activities and wetland issues relevant to the Student Section. The Committee will collaborate with the Membership Committee in order to increase the membership of the Student Section. This Committee shall work collaboratively with the Education Committee and the Annual Meeting Committee to publicize and communicate about Chapter events and activities. Primary duties of this committee include updates to the Section website, maintenance of social media, and publication of the Student Section newsletter. Subcommittees may be formed within this committee.
Application Information:
Committee Chair applications open annually on October 1 and are due annually on December 1 at 11:59 pm EST.
Committee Members
Position Description:
The Committee Members will work directly with the Chair of the Communications Committee to achieve the Section's outreach goals across various public communication platforms.
Application Information:
Committee member applications will be entertained year-round on a rolling basis at the discretion of the committee chair. Please contact us to express your interest.
Committee Description:
The Committee shall be responsible for developing a program of events, field trips, workshops, and lectures that will enhance the value of Student Section membership. This section will collaborate with the Communication/Publicity Committee on the publication of announcements of the activities referenced above. They will also collaborate with the Membership Committee to use education events to promote membership. The Education Committee will work with SWS student associations and wetland programs at universities to promote interest in wetlands and SWS student memberships. Subcommittees may be formed within this committee. There is generally a maximum of five members; however, the Committee Chair may request for a vote of the Executive Board of the Student Section to expand this number if needed.
Current students and students who have graduated within the past 12 months.
Election Information:
- Preliminary nominations for Committee members are to be solicited from the membership through the nominating committee.
- The Committee will consist of the Education Chair and five members. Members are to be selected by the Committee Chair to support Education activities as needed.
- The list of preliminary nominations will be passed to the Committee Chair, which will select a final slate of members.
Committee Chair
Position Description:
The Education Chair shall oversee the work of the Education Committee. The Committee shall be responsible for developing a program of events, field trips, workshops, and lectures that will enhance the value of Student Section membership. This section will collaborate with the Communication/Publicity Committee on the publication of announcements of the activities referenced above. They will also collaborate with the Membership Committee to use education events to promote membership. The Education Committee will work with SWS student associations and wetland programs at universities to promote interest in wetlands and SWS student memberships. Subcommittees may be formed within this committee.
Application Information:
Committee Chair applications open annually on October 1 and are due annually on December 1 at 11:59 pm EST.
Committee Members
Position Description:
The Committee Members will work directly with the Chair of the Education Committee to achieve the Section's outreach and educational services goals across its network.
Application Information:
Formal recruitment for committee members begins April 1 and applications are due annually on May 1 at 11:59 pm EST. However, committee member applications will be entertained year-round on a rolling basis at the discretion of the committee chair. Please contact us to express your interest.
Committee Description:
The Committee shall be responsible for developing the theme, programming, and venue for the Section’s Annual Meeting activities, and shall work collaboratively with SWS staff to coordinate logistical arrangements (registration, publicity, etc.). This Committee shall work collaboratively with the Communications/Publicity Committee and SWS staff to publicize the Section’s Annual Meeting events. Subcommittees may be formed within this committee. There is no formal Chair for this committee. There is generally a maximum of five members; however, the Executive Board may vote to expand this number if needed at the request of any Committee member.
Current students and students who have graduated within the past 12 months.
Election Information:
- Preliminary nominations for Committee members are to be solicited from the membership through the Nominating Committee.
- The list of preliminary nominations will be passed to the Executive Board, which will select a final slate of members.
Application Information:
Committee Chair applications open annually on October 1 and are due annually on December 1 at 11:59 pm EST.
Formal recruitment for committee members begins April 1 and applications are due annually on May 1 at 11:59 pm EST. However, committee member applications will be entertained year-round on a rolling basis at the discretion of the committee chair. Please contact us to express your interest.
Committee Description:
The committee shall be responsible for developing and implementing a Student Section awards program recognizing various categories of outstanding individual and organizational contributions to furthering the objectives of the Student Section or advancing wetland science of relevance to Student Section issues and wetlands. This committee will also work to develop and implement research and restoration grants for members in good standing, in order to promote the objectives of the Section. Subcommittees may be formed within this committee. There is no formal Chair for this committee. There is generally a maximum of five members; however, the Executive Board may vote to expand this number if needed at the request of any Committee member.
Current students and students who have graduated within the past 12 months.
Election Information:
- Preliminary nominations for Committee members are to be solicited from the membership through the Nominating Committee.
- The list of preliminary nominations will be passed to the Executive Board, which will select a final slate of members.
Application Information:
Committee Chair applications open annually on October 1 and are due annually on December 1 at 11:59 pm EST.
Formal recruitment for committee members begins April 1 and applications are due annually on May 1 at 11:59 pm EST. However, committee member applications will be entertained year-round on a rolling basis at the discretion of the committee chair. Please contact us to express your interest.
Committee Description:
The committee shall be responsible for recruiting new members to the Student Section of the SWS, and will collaborate with the Communication/Publicity Committee and Education Committee. Subcommittees may be formed within this committee. There is no formal Chair for this committee. There is generally a maximum of five members; however, the Executive Board may vote to expand this number if needed at the request of any Committee member.
Current students and students who have graduated within the past 12 months.
Election Information:
- Preliminary nominations for Committee members are to be solicited from the membership through the Nominating Committee.
- The list of preliminary nominations will be passed to the Executive Board, which will select a final slate of members.
Application Information:
Committee Chair applications open annually on October 1 and are due annually on December 1 at 11:59 pm EST.
Formal recruitment for committee members begins April 1 and applications are due annually on May 1 at 11:59 pm EST. However, committee member applications will be entertained year-round on a rolling basis at the discretion of the committee chair. Please contact us to express your interest.
The committee shall endeavor to increase the footprint and longevity of Student Associations. The chair of this committee should have experience with a student association at their institution, and should thus bring the perspective of the association experience to inform proposed initiatives to enhance the program. They will collaborate with the Secretary-General of SWS to keep an up-to-date list of student association leaders and compile their annual reports for submission to the board. Subcommittees may be formed within this committee. There is generally a maximum of five members; however, the Committee Chair may request for a vote of the Executive Board of the Student Section to expand this number if needed.
- Current students and students who have graduated within the past 12 months.
- Ideal candidates to serve on this committee will have experience in Student Association leadership at their current or previous institutions.
Election Information:
- Preliminary nominations for Committee members are to be solicited from the membership through the nominating committee.
- The Committee will consist of the Student Association Chair and five members. Members are to be selected by the Committee Chair to support Education activities as needed.
- The list of preliminary nominations will be passed to the Committee Chair, which will select a final slate of members.
Committee Chair
Position Description:
The Student Associations Chair shall oversee the work of the Student Associations Committee. This committee shall endeavor to increase the footprint and longevity of Student Associations. The chair of this committee should have experience with a student association at their institution, and should thus bring the perspective of the association experience to inform proposed initiatives to enhance the program. They will collaborate with the Secretary-General of SWS to keep an up-to-date list of student association leaders and compile their annual reports for submission to the board.
Application Information:
Committee Chair applications open annually on October 1 and are due annually on December 1 at 11:59 pm EST.
Committee Members
Position Description:
The Committee Members will work directly with the Chair of the Student Associations Committee to support the development and sustainability of the Student Associations.
Application Information:
Formal recruitment for committee members begins April 1 and applications are due annually on May 1 at 11:59 pm EST. However, committee member applications will be entertained year-round on a rolling basis at the discretion of the committee chair. Please contact us to express your interest.