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The SWS Rocky Mountain Chapter includes the states of Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.

Current Chapter Board Members

President – Becky Pierce
Vice President – Jeremy Sueltenfuss
Treasurer – Pat Hickey
Secretary – Chloe Lewis
Immediate Past-President – Ryan Hammons

Are you interested in hosting an event for the Rocky Mountain Chapter, such as a field trip, pub talk, or volunteer event? Contact Becky Pierce if you have any ideas for events that you would like to coordinate (

Become a Rocky Mountain Chapter Board Member! 

We are always looking for new Board members for the Rocky Mountain Chapter. Being on the Board does not require a huge time commitment but allows you to get more involved with regional wetland events, help direct the activities of the chapter and establish relationships with other wetland professionals. For more information regarding volunteering, please email Becky Pierce at Below is a summary of the key responsibilities for all of the Board positions (adapted from the Chapter Standing Rules):

President: Responsible for the business of the Chapter, including making appointments authorized in the Standing Rules, establishing committees required for the business of the Chapter and exercising such other responsibilities determined from time to time by action of the Chapter or the Board. The President also chairs all meetings of the Chapter and the Board. 2-year term.

Vice-President: Assists the President and performs the duties of the President when he/she is absent or unable to act. The VP also serves as chairperson of the Program Committee for the annual Chapter meeting and is responsible for Chapter publicity (as directed by the Board). 2-year term and automatically nominated for President.

Secretary: Annually obtains a list of Chapter members from SWS National, serves as the chairperson for the Membership Committee, prepares any correspondence with the Chapter at the direction of the Board, prepares and disburse information pertinent to increasing membership, maintains chapter files, records and reads minutes at all meetings and oversees development and distribution of Chapter information. 3-year term.

Treasurer: Administers the financial resources of the Chapter. Works with SWS National to authorize and pay all Chapter bills. Serves as chairperson of the Ways and Means Committee if such a committee is formed. Prepares an annual budget and presents it at the annual Chapter meeting. 3-year term.

Immediate Past-President: Chair the Nominating Committee and Bylaws Committee and performs duties of President if both the President and VP are unable to act.

SWS Rocky Mountain Chapter Bylaws

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