Welcome to the International Chapter of the Society of Wetlands Scientists. This chapter brings together wetland scientists and other professionals from different countries that demonstrate a global interest in wetlands.
Our co-chairs represent SWS in Latin America and the Caribbean region (Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães) and the African region (Alanna Rebelo), as well as other countries not specifically incorporated into an SWS regional chapter. African region webpage.
SWS International Chapter promotes the development of wetland science and management through various opportunities, such as student grants, conference support, and internships.
SWS International Chapter is pleased to provide a quarterly webinar series on tropical wetland science topics of interest.
- Check out our SWS Spanish webinars page
- Check out our LAC region Facebook page
- Check out our African region Facebook page
Webinar registration is complimentary to all SWS members. LAC webinars are in Spanish, but Portuguese and French webinars are coming soon!
The International Chapter was founded in 1986 and harbored foreign countries that were not included in other chapters. In 1986 the chapter had 146 members. This chapter was initially part (informally) of the Canada Group but began to emerge as a separate entity in 1985, briefly as the Overseas Region and eventually as the International Region (Region 8) Group. It was first chaired by Armando de la Cruz and Francis Heliotis. Eric Gilman filed the official documents for this chapter in 2000 (Ewel 2020). Since the 10th INTECOL International Wetland Conference in Changshu, China, in 2016, there have been two co-chairs, one for Africa and the other for Latin America and the Caribbean. Currently, the chapter has 238 members, two co-chairs, and a 3-year term for leadership (International Chapter Bylaws and Standing Rules 2022).
Current leadership
Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães, 2019-2022, 2022-2025 (re-elected)
Latin America and the Caribbean region co-chair
Alanna Rebelo, 2022-2025
African region co-chair
Past leadership
Luisa Ricaurte, 2016-2019 (LAC region)
Ian Bredin, 2018-2022 (Africa region)
Fred Ellery, 2016-2018 (Africa region)
Elijah Ohimain 2007-2015
Marinus L. Otte, 2002-2006
Eric Gilman, 2000-2002
Armando de la Cruz and Francis Helioti, 1986
Updated in August 2022
Ewel, K.C. 2020. Society of Wetland Scientists: The First Forty Years. Wetland Science and Practice, 37(3): 129-149.
International Chapter Bylaws and Standing Rules (created in 2018 and updated in 2022).
2024 Awards
This year, the Internationa Chapter co-chair for Latin America and the Caribbean region, Dr. Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães, received the 2024 SWS International Fellow Award and the SWS Presidential Service Award at the SWS Annual Meeting in Taipei, Taiwan. The International Fellow Award recognizes her exceptional contributions to the field of wetland science, while the Presidential Service Award highlights her extensive service to the Society, particularly her role as co-chair of the international chapter since 2019.
Congratulations to our new members!
Twenty-three new members from Latin America have received a complimentary one-year membership to the Chapter. Several awardees contributed to the SWS Colombia meeting in Medellin as course or field instructors; others were students who attended the meeting as speakers or participants.
Jaime Almeida, Brasil
Elisabet V. Wehncke, Argentina
Diana Quevedo, Chile
Camilo Torres, Colombia
Esnedy Hernandez, Colombia
Mario Alberto Quijano, Colombia
Ivan Andres Tarquino Calderon, Colombia
Juan Pablo Alvarez, Colombia
Juan Sebastian Ospino, Colombia
Jhonatan Mauricio Quiñones Montiel, Colombia
Cristian Pérez Agudeló, Colombia
Valentina Pardo, Colombia
Nelson Enrique Gutiérrez Osorio, Colombia
Silvia Lucia Villabona, Colombia
Ruben Dario David, Colombia
Johana Reyes, Colombia
Maria De los Angeles Castaño López, Colombia
Daniela Marin Henao, Colombia
Deyzon Anúdelo Vergara, Colombia
Daniela Salazar Suaza, Colombia
Daniela Cardona Álzate, Colombia
Maria Paula Rey Baquero, Colombia
Mateo Parra Cuadros, Colombia
Congratulations to our new members!
Five new members have received a complimentary one-year membership to the Chapter from the Africa Region. The awardees were winners of a membership drive and were chosen based on short film submissions discussing their local wetland systems which will be shared with the Chapter.
Welcome, Dingha, Damaris, Ts'epo, Chayma and Sharon!
Latin America and the Caribbean Wetlands Issue Planned for Wetland Science & Practice and Photo contest
Wetland Science & Practice (WSP, Society of Wetland Scientists' e-publication) is planning a third issue focused on Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) wetlands. The purpose is to provide readers with an update of current research, restoration and conservation activities and concerns involving the region’s wetlands. Articles on the natural history of wetland fauna or flora are also of interest as well as profiles of individual wetlands of national or local significance.
We are also launching a SWS LAC photos contest! Photographs of wetland animals, plants or scenes are also sought for consideration for display in the Notes from the Field section; please include an appropriate description for the caption (wetland type, species names, locality, country, year, author) and submit your photo here.
The deadline for articles and photos submissions is October 1, 2023. Please review the WSP publication guidelines. If you have any questions feel free to contact Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães, Special Issue Coordinator, or Ralph Tiner, WSP Editor.
HumMentor Award 2022-2023
The SWS International Chapter and Education Section offered two awards for HumMentor students Judith Lacava and Azul Denaro from Argentina to attend the SWS 2023 Colombia, 7-10 Nov 2023. Students will present their projects in 15-minutes talks. Judith's presentation will be "Estrategias para la fitorremediación de residuos de fármacos veterinarios empleados en sistemas ganaderos del Bajo Delta del Río Paraná" and Azul will present on "Caracterización de microorganismos aislados de humedales contaminados para su aplicación en procesos de biorremediación."
HumMentor students Judith Lacava (left) and Azul Denaro (right).
SWS Student Research Grant 2023
Efrain Noriega Rico from Colombia was selected for the 2023 SWS Student Research Grant. Efrain will use the grant to develop his master's thesis research titled "Functional Connectivity of California bulrush (Schoenoplectus californicus) in Mexican Highland wetlands" at the Instituto de Ecología, INECOL México.
South African National Wetland Indaba 2022
International Co-Chair Alanna Rebelo led a workshop for the SWS Africa Region at the South African National Wetland Indaba 2022 from 24-27 October. The workshop aimed for the newly-forming SWS Africa committee to interface with our South African members, share updates, and hear ideas. The session covered: an update on SWS Africa and the vision for the next term; a presentation on the SWS Professional Certification Program (PCP) and how it can benefit African members; talks on wetlands in other African countries from guest speakers who are involved in the SWS Africa committee; and an interactive workshop session where participants had the opportunity to discuss the potential of SWS Africa in small groups, and share their ideas and input that will be used by the new committee to guide the vision for SWS Africa going forward. The workshop was attended by 20 people and was a great success.
Students Awarded SWS Membership for Best Student Talks
Congratulations to Sebastian Matiz Cely and José Andrés Deosa Velilla for presenting the best talks of the past Colombian Ecohydrology Meeting (VI WORKSHOP EN ECOHIDROLOGÍA Y ECOHIDRÁULICA by REDECOHH, Universidad de Antioquia and Instituto Alexander von Humboldt, 30-31 August, 2022)! Because of their great work, they've been awarded a 1-year membership to SWS.
We're proud of their efforts in presenting the following talks:
- Sebastian Matiz Cely, Hoja de ruta desde el modelamiento para la remoción de mercurio en ciénaga, Universidad del Norte, Colombia.
- José Andrés Deosa Velilla, Integridad ecológica de sistemas lóticos intermitentes del bosque seco tropical a través del análisis complementario en los cambios espacio-temporales de rasgos funcionales de macroinvertebrados y fitoperifiton, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia.
The International Chapter Co-Chair (LAC region), Dr. Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães, will talk about the SWS HumMentor Mentorship Program on August 31, 2022, at 10:55 am (Bogotá time) as part of the “VI WORKSHOP ON ECOHYDROLOGY AND ECOHYDRAULICS,” an event that will be held in a hybrid manner with the support of the University of Antioquia, REDECOHH and the Alexander von Humboldt Institute, Medellín, Colombia. The event will be broadcast through the channels: https://lnkd.in/gxGQkSii and https://lnkd.in/gSwCHrdg. The International Chapter also offers two 1-year memberships for the event's best talks.
The SWS International Chapter (Latin America and the Caribbean Region) is organizing a thematic group titled Aquatic Botany Group of the Society of Wetland Scientists. We invited interested people to the first meeting on Tuesday, June 14, 2022. Among the participants, 56 people from 12 countries (19 people are from Mexico, 10 from Colombia, 10 from Peru, 5 from Brazil, 4 from Argentina, 2 from the USA, and 1 person from other countries). The Chapter Co-Chair Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães will welcome the participants and discuss the objectives and opportunities for the group. Then we will establish the first group committee by voluntary nominations.
Check out our latest events.
Society of Wetland Scientists 2023 Colombia: first-ever in-person SWS meeting in Latin America
Through the support of Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program (SWSPCP) and the 2022 Chapter Development Award (International Chapter, SWSLAC, Latin America and the Caribbean), we organized the “Society of Wetland Scientists 2023 Colombia” 4-day event and the first-ever SWS meeting in Latin American countries (view the full program here). The event occurred on 7-10 November in Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia. It was hosted by the International Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists in collaboration with local partners: Investigación de Recursos Biológicos, Alexander von Humboldt, Universidad de Antioquia, Red de Investigadores en Ecohidrología y Ecohidráulica, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Instituto Javeriano del Agua, Universidad del Norte, Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Universidad Católica de Oriente, and Cátedra UNESCO. This initiative had three primary objectives: (1) To establish a dialogue on wetlands, their importance, and the role of the wetland scientist; (2) To exchange knowledge about wetland ecosystems and their conservation and to promote opportunities for collaboration between individuals/countries/institutions; and (3) To promote the SWS in Latin America, to encourage publication in Wetlands as well as Wetland Science and Practice, and to discuss the many SWS activities, such as Professional Wetland Scientist certification, Wetlands of Distinction, Wetland Interviews, Webinar Series, and mentorship program HumMentor. In total, 160 people registered to participate. The event invited over 48 speakers, panelists, moderators, and instructors from eight countries - Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, United Kingdom, United States. It encompassed 18 talks on wetland subject matters, three panels of experts about wetland publication, wetland education, and wetland classification, six worktable sessions about ‘interaction with sectors’ and ‘living on wetlands’ subject matters, and one session about international collaboration. Also, participants had the opportunity to join a field day in the Guadalcai (La Amalita) wetland and attended five wetland courses certified by SWSPCP. It was a tremendous academic and professional development opportunity for individuals and institutions. Also, during the award session, the International Chapter offered SWS 1-year free memberships, hats, buttons, and T-shirts to remarkable participants. We recognized the 2022 SWS HumMentor students Judith Lacava and Azul Denaro with a $500 travel award each, sponsored by the 2021 Section Development Award (HumMentor program, joint application of Education Section and International Chapter).
Participants of the Society of Wetland Scientists 2023 Colombia meeting in the closing session
Field day of the Society of Wetland Scientists 2023 Colombia meeting
SWS Annual Meeting - Spokane, June 2023
BOD meeting in Spokane, June 2023
The SWS International Chapter hosted a meeting at the Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting in Grand Rapids in June 2022. Around 30 participants from both regions, LAC and Africa, joined to discuss the Chapter perspectives and opportunities. We take this opportunity to thank the co-chair Ian Bredin for his 3-years of service in this position, welcome Alanna Rebelo, the co-chair-elect for the Africa region, and to thank Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães, re-elected as co-chair for the Latin America and the Caribbean region. Stay tuned for upcoming news and meetings!
Ian Bredin, Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães, and Derek Faust in the International Chapter meeting, JASM 2022, Grand Rapids, EE.UU.
The SWS International Chapter (Latin American and the Caribbean Region) organized an inaugural meeting on Wednesday, February 9, 2022, followed by a certificate course in Scientific Publication on Wetlands (SWSPCP). We hosted eight speakers (Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães, Patsy Milena Muñoz Barra, Marinus L. Otte, Gary Ervin, Gillian Davies, Kimberli Ponzio, Matthew Simpson, and Rob McInnes), two moderators (Héctor Aponte and Daniel Campbell) and more than 70 participants. See the recorded meeting on the SWS YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/gibnEhIEjJQ
Luis Enrique Olguín Chávez from Mexico was selected as a 2021 SWS International Chapter – Latin America Grant recipient of the 2021 SWS Student Research Grant. Luis used the grant to develop his undergraduate thesis titled "Understanding reproductive aspects of the distylous aquatic plant Nymphoides fallax Ornduff (Menyanthaceae)" at the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. He finished his research and graduated in Biology on June 8, 2022.
Luis Enrique Olguín Chávez doing fieldwork, temporary wetlands, Central Mexico highlands.
Students Awarded SWS Membership for Best Student Talks
Congratulations to Josue Roberto Reyes Amaya, Andrea Tipe Garcia, and Lorena Chavarro Chaux for presenting the best student talks of the past Colombian Wetland Meeting (III Congreso Internacional de Ríos y Humedales)! Because of their great work, they've been awarded a 1-year membership to SWS.
We're proud of their efforts in presenting the following talks:
- Josue Roberto Reyes Amaya: Dinámica del nitrógeno en un ecosistema dependiente de agua subterránea
- Andrea Tipe Garcia: Propuesta para la evaluación del servicio ecosistémico de regulación hídrica en los humedales altoandinos de Yuracmayo, Perú
- Lorena Chavarro Chaux: Effects of Livestock Production on the Stream Health, Water Quality and Function of a Small Tributary in Mississippi
Youth Engaged in Wetlands (YEW) meeting in Tokyo in January 2020
The International chapter co-chair, Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães, attended the Youth Engaged in Wetlands (YEW) meeting in Tokyo (January 16-21, 2020). The event was hosted by the Youth Ramsar Japan and was an important moment to work on the creation of an international network for wetland professionals and scientists.
XXI Mexican Botanical Society meeting 2019
The International Chapter is very proud to announce the top presenters at the Aquatic Plants Symposium hosted by the XXI Mexican Botanical Society meeting. The winners were Dr. Nelly Jiménez and MSc. Ricardo Wong, both of them get a 1-year of free membership at the SWS. The International chapter Co-Chair, Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães, was invited as a speaker at the Symposium. Additionally, she had the opportunity to introduce to the SBM committee the potential SWS/SBM affiliation.
South African National Wetlands Indaba
The International Chapter is proud to announce the top presenters at this year’s South African National Wetlands Indaba. The winners were: Nardus Bosman, Denisha Anand, Faith Mamphoka, Mthombeni Tinyiko Salome. They were awarded 1-year free membership to SWS. International Co-Chair Ian Bredin was the keynote speaker to talk about the SWS/SAWS affiliation.
We are proud to introduce our SWS LAC volunteer student from Peru. Karol will help us to build a wetland database in the Latin America & Caribbean region. She is doing 30 hours of volunteer work under the mentorship of Dr. Héctor Aponte and Dr. Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães.
Karol Salazar Navarro, Lima, Peru
Karol is a Peruvian Environmental Engineer from UNTELS University. She developed her undergraduate research focused on carbon capture in a coastal wetland of Lima. Karol is interested in the fields of climate change, coastal marine ecosystems, blue carbon, and environmental education linked with the latter subjects.
Are you interested in doing volunteer work at the SWS International chapter? Please, contact chapter co-chairs.
2019 International Chapter Meeting
2019 Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Baltimore, USA. We met some International Chapter members and shared awesome ideas and experiences with these fantastic people!
2019 International Wetlands of Distinction
We are very proud of having a Latin American wetland nominated as new potential Wetlands of Distinction, representing the International hCapter! Congratulations Cayambe Coca, Quito, Ecuador!
2018 National Wetlands Indaba: South Africa
The South African National Wetlands Indaba was held in Kimberley, Northern Cape, October 8-11, 2018. The Society of Wetland Scientists sponsored the awards for the best presentations at the conference. The outgoing President of the SWS, Arnold van der Valk, presented the awards at the Gala Dinner. We would like to congratulate the award winners:
- Ms. Jacolette Adam, Exigent, Richards Bay, South Africa.
- Ms. Mandy Carolissen, Geography Department, University of the Western Cape, South Africa.
- Dr. Michael Grenfell, Environmental and Water Science Unit, University of the Western Cape, South Africa.
- Ms. Margaret Lowies, Aurecon SA (Pty) Ltd, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
L to R: Margaret Lowies, Michael Grenfell, outgoing SWS President Arnold va der Valk, and Jacolette Adam. Absent: Mandy Carolissen
I Congreso Internacional y II Congreso Nacional de Ríos y Humedales: Colombia
October 27, 2017
The SWS International Chapter - Latin America and Caribbean region, is pleased to award three memberships to outstanding participants at the I Congreso Internacional y II Congreso Nacional de Ríos y Humedales, October 23 - 27, 2017, in Neiva, Colombia.
Best Poster
Premio a mejor Poster
Autores: Josué López, Eduardo Chica, Patricio Campo, Ana E. Ochoa, Iván Belesaca, Andrea Maza, Ximena Palomeque, Universidad de Cuenca (Ecuador)
Efecto del estrés hídrico sobre el crecimiento y supervivencia de dos especies nativas altoandinas en el Parque Nacional Cajas
Best Student Talk
Premio a mejor Ponencia de Estudiantes
Autor: Jacobo Campuzano, Universidad de Antioquia
Implementación de áreas y estrategias prioritarias para rehabilitación ecológica en el sistema cenagoso de Ayapel Córdoba
Best Wetland Picture
Premio a mejor Fotografía
Klaudia Cárdenas, Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Alexander von Humboldt
Nombre de la foto: Pescador en Ciénaga de Palo
The International Chapter - Latin and Caribben region is also pleased to provide a presentation recording from I Congreso Internacional y II Congreso Nacional de Ríos y Humedales. Classification of macrohabitats: a powerful tool for comparative studies, sustainable development and environmental impact analysis in wetlands was presented by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang J. Junk (wjj@evolbio.mpg.de) from the National Institute for Science and Technology in Wetlands (INCT-INAU), Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) in Cuiabá, Brazil.
View the presentation:
Without subtitles: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/5603423902788522753
With subtitles: http://sws.ontrapages.com/youtuberegistration
A Wetland Declaration was signed by over 550 participants at the conference. Read the Declaration.
2016 National Wetlands Indaba: South Africa
November 11, 2016 -
South Africa’s annual National Wetlands Indaba (NWI) was held at the Swadini Resort in Mpumalanga Province over the period 25 to 28 October 2016, with 200 delegates attending the meeting from all over the country. The word “indaba” is a Zulu word referring to important conferences held by traditional tribal leaders to discuss important matters. The word today has widespread usage in South Africa to refer to a “gathering” or “meeting”. Attendees at these meetings include wetland scientists, practitioners, decision-makers, NGO’s and other interested parties who gather to talk about wetland matters in the country. Continue reading here.
For the program and presentations, please visit http://nwi16.wetlands.web.za/programme.htm. Click here to see more images from the 2017 Indaba.
SWS President Max Finlayson and the co-chair of the SWS International Chapter, Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães, will attend the International Wetlands Symposium in Cuba, Ciénaga de Matanzas, November 2019. They have been invited to present talks and participate in other activities. Additionally, Tatiana will promote a contest, awarding outstanding presenters with 5 free 1-year SWS membership.
The co-chair of the SWS International Chapter, Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães, will attend the Symposium of Aquatic Plants in Mexico: Advances and perspectives at the Mexican Botany Society Meeting, Aguascalientes, Mexico, October 2019. Tatiana has been invited to present on a talk about aquatic plants and connectivity and she will use this opportunity to introduce SWS to Mexican Botany Society members and invite them to become SWS affiliated members. Tatiana will promote a contest, awarding an outstanding presenter with a free 1-year SWS membership.
The co-chair of the SWS International Chapter, Ian Bredin, will attend the South African National Wetland Indaba October 7-11, 2019, in Tzaneen, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Ian has been invited to present on the opportunity for South African Wetland Society members to become SWS affiliated members.
XII Simposio International "Humedales 2019" 4 al 8 de noviembre del 2019 Cuba
Information HERE
Programa II Copeju ICA 2019 - HERE
Primer Annuncio XII Simposio International Humedales 2019 - HERE
II Congreso Peruano de Humedales
- Chapter Bylaws
- Latin America and Caribbean region Facebook page
- African region Facebook page
- SWS webinar series in Spanish.
- SWS Student Mentoring Program for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Wetlands Interviews
- YouTube