Posts by growthzone
SWS endorses and partners with March for Science
The Society of Wetland Scientists endorses and is a Partner of the March for Science as part of our mission to support sound science in wetland policy and stewardship. We hope to see you in Washington D.C. on April 22, 2017 #EarthDay, or any of the satellite marches at other locations. #sciencemarch The March for Science is…
Read MoreEndorsement of amici curiae brief of wetland and water scientists in support of the Clean Water Rule
Representing over 200,000 members and 130+ professional societies and research organizations, the Society of Wetland Scientists, along with the American Fisheries Society, American Institute for Biological Sciences, Ecological Society of America, Phycological Society of America, Society for Ecological Restoration and Society for Freshwater Science sent letters supporting the Waters of the United States Clean Water…
Read MoreNYT highlights former WiW chair’s research
The New York Times recently interviewed former SWS Women in Wetlands Section chair, Ellen Hartig, about her work on chronicling sea levels, over a 1,500-year stretch, on a New York marsh. Hartig’s study confirmed that sea levels are rising faster than at any other time in 15 centuries. As a consequence, more than $25 billion worth of…
Read MoreCASS letter to President-Elect Trump
In late November, the Consortium of Aquatic Sciences Societies (CASS) wrote a Letter of Comment to President-Elect Trump about its concern for the future of the nation’s aquatic resources. SWS President Gillian Davies signed the letter in support: Dear President-Elect Trump, The Consortium of Aquatic Scientific Societies (CASS) is writing to offer our best wishes…
Read MoreGhosh receives Luc Hoffmann Award
SWS member Dhrubajyoti Ghosh received the Luc Hoffmann Award this September at the World Conservation Congress in Hawaii. This prestigious award is given to those who set exceptional examples of conservation and ecosystem management. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) awarded Ghosh for his work on the East Kolkata Wetlands (EKW) and its…
Read MoreSWS signs MOC with SER
On Monday, October 17, 2016, the Society of Wetland Scientists signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Society for Ecological Restoration. In keeping with the mission of the two Societies, the President of SWS, Gillian Davies, and the Executive Director of SER, Bethanie Walder, signed the Memorandum while visiting a cranberry bog wetland restoration project…
Read MoreSWS discusses blue carbon policy
On October 4 – 6, 2016, SWS members participated in and presented at the North American Blue Carbon Experts and Partners Meeting: Science for Policy, sponsored by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation. This tri-national (Mexico, Canada, and U.S.A.) meeting of blue carbon scientists and policymakers discussed the state of the science for blue carbon, and…
Read MoreSWS letter to Mayor Chen regarding the Jiading Wetland
SWS leaders wrote a Letter of Comment to Mayor Chu Chen of Kaohsiung City, Taiwan about their concern for the Jiading Wetland area. The local government recently approved construction plans for Road 1-4 that will disturb the wetlands: Mayor CHEN, Chu Mayor of Kaohsiung City Government Taiwan 5 October 2016 Dear Mayor Chen: On behalf…
Read MoreSWS travels to 10th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference
SWS was represented strongly at the 10th INTECOL (International Association of Ecology) International Wetlands Conference, held in Changshu, China, from September 19 – 24, 2016. SWS takes great pride in the many and substantial contributions of our members, who helped to make the conference in Changshu such a success. Click here to read more about the Society’s…
Read MoreScienceDebate’s 2016 top presidential questions
Attached please find a presidential candidates questionnaire entitled: 2016’s Top Presidential Science, Engineering, Technology, Health and Environmental Questions. These 20 questions were solicited from the public and refined by experts at America’s leading nonpartisan science and engineering organizations. President Obama, Senator McCain, and Governor Romney answered similar questions in 2008 and 2012. Our promotion of their responses garnered more…
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