Posts by growthzone
Passing of a leader in wetland policy development
Dr. Jon Kusler passed away on October 8, 2020. Jon was a leader in helping guide national wetland and floodplain policy since the 1970s. He wrote hundreds of papers on a variety of topics ranging from wetland regulation, restoration, functional assessment to floodplain management. He was the founder of the Association of State Wetland Managers…
Read MoreFire in paradise: Declaration of world scientists
Scientists of the world, coming from across all disciplines and working across a wide range of subjects and themes, are very concerned with the extensive fires which have been taking place in the Amazon Rainforests and in the Pantanal Region (shared by Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay), the planet’s largest tropical wetland. In order to express…
Read MoreAnnouncing: Society of Wetland Scientists 40th Anniversary Award
Purpose:Â On the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Society of Wetland Scientists the Executive Board would like to recognize high level and sustained contributions to wetland research, practice, education, or communication, or service to the Society. These awards are additional to the awards offered annually by the Society and covers the breadth of professional…
Read MoreWorld’s leading aquatic scientific societies urgently call for cuts to global greenhouse gas emissions
Dire consequences for freshwater and marine resources without significant and fast action Bethesda, MD (September 14, 2020). In an unprecedented statement released today, 110 aquatic scientific societies, including SWS and representing more than 80,000 scientists across the world, joined forces to sound a climate change alarm. The societies call for drastically curtailed global greenhouse gas emissions to…
Read MorePacific Northwest Chapter President Josh Wozniak authors article on the importance of wetlands for Salish Magazine
The President of SWS’s Pacific Northwest Chapter, Josh Wozniak, recently authored an article on the importance of wetlands for Salish Magazine. Read it here! Categories Biofuel CASS Chapter News Clean Water Rule Climate Change Coastal Wetlands Conservation Declarations Diversity EPA Letters of Comment Management Navigable Waters Protection Rule Policy Ramsar Restoration Section News Statements Students of SWS Sustainability SWS Annual…
Read MoreSWS Wetlands of Distinction – First one designated outside the US makes news
SWS is excited to have its first Wetland of Distinction designated outside of the United States, the Winton Wetlands in the Murray-Darling Basin of Australia. In addition to being a WoD-related story, this article details a success story about a community-based wetland restoration venture: Restoring a gem in the Murray-Darling Basin: the success story of the Winton Wetlands Categories Biofuel CASS Chapter News Clean…
Read MoreWOTUS Rulings – Good news in Colorado and disappointing news in California
Colorado Some good news: the rule appears to be enjoined in Colorado (where judge did not permit amici briefs):Â California The Court denied the motion for a preliminary injunction, and the Navigable Waters Protection Rule will go into effect on Monday. Here is the order:Â Categories Biofuel CASS Chapter News Clean Water Rule Climate Change…
Read MoreSWS in Politico: Trump water rule faces first test
Read the recent article on Politico. “EPA’s rewritten Waters of the U.S. rule gets its first big day in court today with a hearing before a federal judge in San Francisco on blue states’ request for a preliminary injunction — marking the first of several challenges working their way through the district courts. The 18-state coalition…
Read MoreSWS Social Injustice Statement
The Society of Wetland Scientists stands united in our firm commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity. The racism we have witnessed most recently in the United States is, unfortunately, not new. It is part of a lengthy history of racism in the United States and globally. We may be tempted to look away from this…
Read MoreNew proposed rule posted, comment period ends April 15
The revised WOTUS Definition Proposed by the Engineers Corps and the Environmental Protection Agency was posted to the Federal Register on February 14. The document has a comment period that ends April 15, 2019. SWS WOTUS Comment Letter Science Societies WOTUS Comment Letter Request for 200-day Comment Period Categories Biofuel CASS Chapter News Clean Water Rule Climate…
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