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Summary: 16th Annual Meeting SWS Europe Chapter

Summary: 16th Annual Meeting SWS Europe Chapter The 16th annual meeting of the SWS Europe chapter, entitled “Connecting wetlands functioning and biodiversity: Towards nature-based solutions”, was a rousing success. Held as a virtual meeting due to the global situation, the conference was hosted by Patrick Grillas and the Tour du Valat from June 15-17, 2021.…

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SWS Climate Change Initiative collaborates to bring global leaders together for plenary panel discussion at SER 2021 World Conference

SWS Climate Change Initiative collaborates to bring global leaders together for plenary panel discussion at SER 2021 World Conference World leaders in wetlands, peatlands and biodiversity conservation and restoration and climate change met (virtually) at the Society for Ecological Restoration’s (SER) 2021 World Conference Plenary Panel on June 22nd to discuss the importance of restoring…

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and NOAA Fisheries to Propose Regulatory Revisions to Endangered Species Act

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and NOAA Fisheries to Propose Regulatory Revisions to Endangered Species Act Dear conservation stakeholder, Please see this news release from the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service announcing that it, along with the National Marine Fisheries Service, are releasing a plan to improve and strengthen implementation of the Endangered Species Act (ESA).…

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Latin American Wetlands Issue Planned for Wetland Science & Practice

Latin American Wetlands Issue Planned for Wetland Science & Practice The Society of Wetland Scientists’ e-publication – Wetland Science & Practice (WSP)  – is planning another issue focused on Latin American wetlands. The purpose is to provide readers with an update of current research, restoration and conservation activities and concerns involving wetlands.  Articles on the…

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Lake Ohrid: Soon to become a Ramsar Wetland

Lake Ohrid: Soon to become a Ramsar Wetland The SWS Europe chapter has some good news to share. We were alarmed by people from North Macedonia in 2015 because the very last wetland bordering the famous Lake Ohrid, Studenchishte Marsh, was threatened to be drained for tourist infrastructure development. After writing letters to the authorities…

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SWS Joins Other Aquatic Science Societies in Calling Upon Biden to Restore Science-based WOTUS Rule

SWS Joins Other Aquatic Science Societies in Calling Upon Biden to Restore Science-based WOTUS Rule American Fisheries Society • Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography • Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation • Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society • International Association for Great Lakes Research • North American Lake Management Society • Phycological Society of…

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SWS joins other societies in filing Amici brief in District of Massachusetts

SWS joins other societies in filing Amici brief in District of Massachusetts The Society of Wetland Scientists joined eight other national and international scientific societies, who are all actively involved in research, education, conservation and restoration of aquatic resources and ecosystems in filing an Amici Brief in the District of Massachusetts in support of The Conservation Law Foundation suit against the…

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SWS issues comment letter on the USACE proposal to reissue and modify nationwide permits

Wetland valley with mountains

SWS issues comment letter on the USACE proposal to reissue and modify nationwide permits The recent USACE proposal to Reissue and Modify Nationwide Permits (85 FR 179; Docket ID No. COE-2020-0002) was published in the Federal Register on September 15, 2020 with an invitation to submit comments. The proposal includes off-cycle reissuance of existing NWPs,…

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Publication of paper on the Universal Rights of Wetlands

Publication of paper on the Universal Rights of Wetlands A new paper entitled “Towards a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Wetlands” was published (online early) in the journal Marine and Freshwater Research.  It is available and downloadable through open access. The manuscript was prepared as part of the Rights of Wetlands Initiative of the Society of Wetland Scientists.…

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County of Maui v. Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund amici brief featured in PBS NOVA podcast

County of Maui v. Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund amici brief featured in PBS NOVA podcast SWS’ Royal Gardner and his team of attorneys, as well as many of our members and members of our aquatic society partners, played a role in preparation of an amici brief cited earlier this year in the U.S. Supreme Court’s opinion in County of…

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