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SWS responds to U.S. Wildlife Conservation Blue Ribbon Panel

Earlier this summer, the Society received a request from a Blue Ribbon Panel on Sustaining America’s Diverse Fish and Wildlife Resources for information on how to equitably and sustainably finance fish and wildlife conservation to help prevent more species from becoming endangered. The Panel reached out to influential organizations for ideas on how to sustainably fund conservation work that…

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SWS supports the EPA proposed rule on waters of the U.S.

Compiled by SWS members Joy Zedler, Daniel Larkin and Carter Johnson. SWS is an international membership organization of more than 3,000 wetland professionals dedicated to fostering sound wetland science, education, and management. SWS supports the EPA proposed rule on waters of the US as follows: The proposed rule is science-based, following EPA’s review of over 1,000…

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The Deepwater Horizon disaster and wetland

Compiled by Dennis F. Whigham, Chair, Stephen W. Broome, Curtis J. Richardson, Robert L. Simpson and Loren M. Smith, SWS Environmental Concerns Committee Coastal wetlands are essential components of healthy and productive coastal fisheries, and nowhere within the lower 48 states has the critical linkage between wetlands and fisheries resources been more clearly demonstrated than…

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SWS encourages regeneration of cypress forests

Authored by Past SWS President Christopher Craft On behalf of the Executive Board of the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS), I write to support sound management and stewardship of cypress forests, including those harvesting practices that promote and ensure regeneration of the forest. The Society of Wetland Scientists is a 3500+ member organization that promotes…

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Introduction and summary of argument of 2006 Amicus brief

In United States v. Riverside Bayview Homes, lnc., this Court upheld Clean Water Act regulation of wetlands adjacent to open waters and other waters of the United States because such wetlands are “inseparably bound up” with those waters and Congress intended to enact a comprehensive program to control water pollution at its source. 474 U.S.121,134…

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