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World Wetlands Day is February 2nd!

Join SWS in Raising Awareness and Taking Action

Get involved this week as we take action and spread the word about World Wetlands Day, a global awareness campaign celebrated every year on February 2nd to highlight the value of wetlands.

This year’s theme, It's Time for Wetland Restoration, highlights the urgent need to prioritize wetland restoration, and calls on an entire generation to take steps to revive and restore degraded wetlands.

The Ripple Effect

Our actions have an impact. One small action can trigger a ripple effect.

This visual shows a person actively restoring a wetland through the action of re-planting. The outward “ripple effect” suggests the spread of ideas and the far-reaching impact that a single decision can inspire.

Follow SWS for the '5 Days, 5 Posts' Campaign

In support of World Wetlands Day 2023, starting on January 29th, SWS will be participating in the '5 Days, 5 Posts' social media campaign to raise awareness and understanding of what wetlands are and how we all can contribute towards restoring them through making conscious choices, becoming persuasive voices and taking bold actions.

Follow along on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn and share our posts for World Wetlands Day with your own social networks.


Together we can inform our communities and inspire action to save Earth's wetlands!

Use the button below to access WWD resources including:

  • Downloadable World Wetlands Day Materials
  • World Wetland Day Events Happening Near You
  • Share Your Favorite Wetlands Photos
  • Make a Pledge to Act for Wetlands
  • Pitch for the World Wetlands Day Grant


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