Wetlands in a hotspring, Los Azufres, Michoacán, Mexico; Submerged plant species: Hydrocotyle spp. and Eleocharis acicularis
Wetland Science & Practice (WSP, Society of Wetland Scientists' e-publication) is planning a third issue focused on Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) wetlands. The purpose is to provide readers with an update of current research, restoration and conservation activities and concerns involving the region’s wetlands. Articles on the natural history of wetland fauna or flora are also of interest as well as profiles of individual wetlands of national or local significance.
We are also launching a SWS LAC photos contest! Photographs of wetland animals, plants or scenes are also sought for consideration for display in the Notes from the Field section; please include an appropriate description for the caption (wetland type, species names, locality, country, year, author) and submit your photo here.
The deadline for articles and photos submissions is October 1, 2023. Please review WSP publication guidelines. If you have any questions feel free to contact Tatiana Lobato de Magalhães, Special Issue Coordinator, or Ralph Tiner, WSP Editor.