The North Central Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists is made up of over 300 active members who are committed to promoting sound science, conservation and management of wetlands. We strive to provide access to the latest developments in wetland science, particularly by supporting student education and research.
The North Central Chapter was founded in 1983, just three years after the Society of Wetland Scientists was founded. Since that time Chapter membership has grown, and today stands at over 300 members. The chapter has sponsored many regional meetings and field trips over the years.
Recently chapter members have worked to have several wetlands designated as Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance. These include Horicon Marsh, the Olentangy River Wetlands Research Park and the Upper Mississippi River Floodplain Wetlands. Only 37 sites in the United States carry this designation; it shows the high value of wetlands in our region!
We represent 10 states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
SWS NCC Leadership Team
Term 2024-2027
President: Matt Van Grinsven,
Past President: Casey Judge,
Term 2023-2025
Secretary: Jen Boyer,
Treasurer: Keith Carr,
At-Large Board Members:
Whitney Mariah-Sauskojus,
Jessica Monson,
Brenten Reust,
Term 2023-2024
Student Representative: Evelyn Faust,
State Contact Information
- Illinois Department of Natural Resources
- Illinois Wetland Reserve Program
- Illinois Wetland Conservation
State Contact
State Contact
Kate Williams,
State Contact
Paul Weihe, PhD,
- Michigan Wetlands Bioassessments
- Michigan’s Wetland Reserve Program
- Michigan Wetland Protection
- Michigan Wetland Maps
- Michigan Wetland Action Coalition
State Contact
Kurt Kowalski;
- Minnesota Wetlands homepage
- Wetlands in Minnesota's Great Lakes Region
- Wetland regulation in Minnesota
- Minnesota Wetland Bioassessment Projects (EPA)
- Wetland Assessment of Cass County wetlands in Minnesota
State Contact
Elizabeth Markhart;
State Contact
Ted LaGrange;
North Dakota
State Contact
Christina Hargiss,
- Ohio Wetland Ecology Program at OhioEPA
- Ohio Wetland Bioassessment Programs
- Olentangy River Wetland Research Park
- Ohio Wetlands Foundation
State Contact
Brad Petru;
South Dakota
State Contact
- Wisconsin Wetlands Association homepage
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
- Wisconsin Wetlands Reserve Program
- Wetlands Bioassessment Programs in Wisconsin
State Contact
Laura Giese;
Wetlands in Our Region
Student Grant Opportunities
2025 Tribal Wetland Grant
SWS NCC is pleased to announce the availability of a total of $2,000 to support student-related tribal wetland work. Up to four awards will be made from the funds, which can be used for student research, education and outreach related to wetlands (either for the public or within a classroom setting), internships, or faculty support to teach wetland ecology on a field trip to a wetland, etc. All potential projects are welcome as long as they improve the knowledge of wetlands for tribal members.
All individuals interested in doing work at tribal colleges or schools, on tribal lands, or members of a tribe wanting to work on wetlands within the NCC region (ND, SD, NE, MN, IA, WI, IL, MI, IN, and OH) are eligible for funding through this call for proposals. Applicants will be judged on the merit of their project, namely how the project will build capacity for wetland science in tribal communities and promote wetland conservation and management on wetlands of value to tribes.
- For consideration,please use this SWS NCC Tribal Wetland Grant Form to submit your completed application by April 1st, 2025.
2025 Student Research Grant
SWS NCC is pleased to announce the availability of a total of $2,000 to support graduate or undergraduate students conducting research in wetland science. Two awards of up to $1,000 each will be made from the funds, which can be used for student research purposes. All potential projects are welcome as long as they demonstrate wetland science-focused content.
Undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled in an accredited college or university within the NCC region (ND, SD, NE, MN, IA, WI, IL, MI, IN, and OH) are eligible for funding through this call for proposals. Applicants will be judged on the merit of their project, namely how the project will integrate wetland science practices and promote wetland conservation and management of wetlands for local, regional, and/or global communities.
- For consideration, please use this SWS NCC Student Research Grant Form to submit your completed application by April 1st, 2025.
2025 Student Travel Grant
SWS NCC is pleased to announce the availability of a total of $1,500 to support graduate or undergraduate students traveling to attend and/or present at the SWS Annual Meeting. Up to six awards will be made from the funds, and funding will be prioritized for students planning to present (poster or oral) at the SWS annual meeting.
Undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled in an accredited college or university within the NCC region (ND, SD, NE, MN, IA, WI, IL, MI, IN, and OH) are eligible for funding through this call for proposals. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis up to the June 15th deadline. Preference will be granted to applicants who submitted an abstract to present at the SWS Annual Meeting. Applicants who submitted an abstract to present at the meeting may request up to $500 of support, and applicants who are not planning to present may request up to $250 of support. Furthermore, applicants will be judged on the merit of their statement detailing the benefit to their professional career.
- For consideration, please use this SWS NCC Student Travel Grant Form to submit your completed application by June 15th, 2025.
Student Scholarship Opportunity
2025 Student Membership Scholarship
SWS NCC is pleased to announce the availability of a total of $1000 to support graduate or undergraduate SWS student membership fees. Up to twenty five awards ($40 limit for individual membership award) will be made from the funds, and funding will be prioritized for students planning to attend the SWS annual meeting.
Undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled in an accredited college or university within the NCC region (ND, SD, NE, MN, IA, WI, IL, MI, IN, and OH) are eligible for funding through this call for proposals. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis up to the June 15th deadline. Furthermore, applicants will be judged on the merit of their statement detailing the benefit to their professional career.
- For consideration, please use this SWS NCC Student Membership Scholarship Form to submit your completed application by June 15th, 2025.
*The SWS NCC Executive Board is currently organizing and preparing additional content, and we will update this webpage with more recent newsletters soon. We thank you for your patience.
North Central Chapter Spring 2021 Newsletter
Click here to read the bios of the candidates for the 2021 board elections.
North Central Chapter Winter 2021 Newsletter
Click here to read about your membership dollars at work and opportunities you have to receive discounts, present your research, participate in a mentorship program or otherwise get involved.
North Central Chapter Winter Spring 2020 Newsletter
Click here to read about the SWS NCC Annual Meeting held in Fall 2019, as well as news you need to know about what is happening at SWS, our chapter and throughout our region.
North Central Chapter Spring 2019 Newsletter
Click here to read about the upcoming Board elections including statements from all the candidates, and the new student chapter at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.
North Central Chapter Autumn and Winter Newsletter
The Autumn and Winter Newsletter can be found here. A few highlights: student member updates and profiles, nominations for the election of new officers, and upcoming regional conferences.
North Central Chapter Summer 2018 Newsletter
This issue includes a summary of the annual meeting, our new student rep leaders, upcoming events, and notes from our regional reps. Also included are bios of our Student Travel Award recipients, Casey Judge and Camilo Rey Sanchez.
North Central Chapter Spring 2018 Newsletter
This issue includes the bios of the student rep candidates running for election, features the NCC Highlighted Student, Rosalind Russell, and open NCC committee chair positions. Please click here to read.
North Central Chapter Winter 2018 Newsletter
Check out the committee openings, an interview with NCC Highlighted Student, Oacia Fair, and the winning photo in the NCC Photo Contest! Please click here to read.
North Central Chapter Autumn 2017 Newsletter
Check out the note from NCC president, Julie Nieset, a recap of the 2017 NCC annual meeting and an interview with NCC Highlighted Student, Nate Stott. Please click here to read.
North Central Chapter Summer 2017 Newsletter
Check out the note from the new NCC president, Julie Nieset, important information about the upcoming NCC annual meeting and the new Native American Arts initiative. Please click here to read.
Central Chapter Spring 2017 Newsletter
This issue highlights the candidates running for each position in the 2017 NCC election, features the NCC Highlighted Student, Kyle McLean, and includes proposed changes to the chapter bylaws. Please click here to read.
North Central Chapter Winter 2016-2017 Newsletter
Check out the call for chapter officer nominations, learn more about the student research grant program and get the scoop on the NCC World Wetlands Day photo contest, starting February 2! Please click here to read.
North Central Chapter Autumn 2016 Newsletter
This issue recaps the NCC Annual Meeting, promotes the upcoming Wetland Science Conference in February 2017, and features the NCC Highlighted Student, Casey Judge. Please click here to read.
North Central Chapter Summer 2016 Newsletter
This issue provides more details regarding the NCC Annual Meeting, updates on the Wetland Treasures Program and features another Highlighted Student, Ed Price. Please click here to read.
North Central Chapter Spring 2016 Newsletter
This issue highlights the NCC Annual Meeting, updates on the proposed Bylaws and Standing rules and features Casey Judge in the new section, Highlighted Student. Please click here to read.
North Central Chapter Winter Newsletter
The NCC Winter 2015-2016 newsletter is now available! Your auction fundraiser is highlighted in this issue. Please click here to read.
*The SWS NCC Executive Board is currently organizing and preparing additional content, and we will update this webpage with more recent meeting minutes soon. We thank you for your patience.
Business Meeting Minutes
2019 Business Meeting
2018 Winter Business Meeting
2018 Business Meeting
2017 Business Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
December 2020 Board of Directors Meeting
January 2020 Board of Directors Meeting
Winter 2017 Board of Directors Meeting
Fall 2016 Board of Directors Meeting
Spring 2016 Board of Directors Meeting
Spring 2015 Board of Directors Meeting
Membership Meeting Minutes
2021 June Membership Meeting
2019 September Membership Meeting
2019 May Membership Meeting
2018 Membership Meeting
2017 Membership Meeting
2016 Membership Meeting
2015 Membership Meeting
Last modified on March 25, 2025
Names and Objectives
The name of the organization shall be the NORTH CENTRAL CHAPTER OF THE SOCIETY OF WETLAND SCIENTISTS, hereinafter referred to as the Chapter and as the Society. Qualified persons residing within the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin who are also members in good standing with the Society of Wetland Scientists are eligible for Chapter membership.
The objectives are as follows:
Operate solely and exclusively as a charitable and educational organization to foster conservation and understanding of wetlands.
Provide an independent forum for an interchange of ideas and data developed within wetland science in the North Central Region (hereinafter referred to as the Region).
Develop and promote wetland science as a distinct discipline within the Region.
Promote and evaluate the educational, scientific, and technological development and advancement of all branches of wetland science and practice within the Region.
Further the knowledge of wetland resources and encourage wetland protection, restoration, and stewardship within the Region.
Encourage a fraternity of scientists based on shared knowledge, dedication, friendship, and mutual professionalism within the Region.
For the administration of the affairs and the attainment of the objectives of the Chapter, the Chapter shall have the power, either directly or indirectly, either alone or in conjunction or cooperation with others, to do any and all lawful acts and things, and to engage in any and all lawful activities that may be necessary, useful, suitable, desirable, or proper for the furtherance, accomplishment, fostering, or attainment of any or all of the objectives for which the Chapter is organized, as set forth in Article First a-e, and to aid and assist other organizations whose objectives are such as to further accomplish, foster, or attain any of such objectives.
Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Chapter shall neither have nor exercise any power, nor shall it directly or indirectly engage in any activity that would cause the Society to lose exempt status from Federal income taxation as a corporation as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and its regulations as the same now exist or as they may hereafter be amended from time to time.
Membership and Election of Members
The membership of the Chapter shall be of the same classes defined in the Society Bylaws and Standing Rules.
As used in the Bylaws and Standing Rules, the term "member in good standing" refers to a Chapter member within the Region who is a member of the Society in good standing, with dues paid in the current calendar year.
Officers and Board of Directors
The Officers of the Chapter shall be President, President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. Additionally, there shall be two Board Members and a student representative who are elected by Chapter members. The Immediate Past President and the elected officers, board members, and student representative constitute the Executive Board of the Chapter who shall have the authority to meet in closed sessions.
Only active members in good standing shall be eligible for nomination for an elected Chapter office. The student representative must also be a graduate or undergraduate student in good standing at a college or university within the Region.
All elected officers shall serve for a period of two years, elected board members shall serve for a period of two years, and the student representative shall serve for a period of one year.
The President shall serve only one term in office and upon the termination of that term, shall immediately become the Past President and continue as a member of the Executive Board.
The President-elect shall serve one term in that office and shall automatically succeed the President for one term in office.
The officers, board members, and student representative of the Chapter and the members in any Standing or Special Committee shall continue to serve and be responsible for the business and activities of the Chapter in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws, or Robert's Rules of Order in the absence of specific guidelines, until new elections are held.
If an officer, board member, or student representative cannot fulfill or complete the term of office to which he or she was elected, the Executive Board is authorized to appoint a replacement until an election is held at the next annual meeting.
Society Board of Directors Meetings: The President will serve as the North Central Chapter (NCC) representative at all Society Board of Directors (BOD) Meetings. Chapter funds may be used to pay for all travel costs for the President to attend the BOD meetings if non-Society funds are not available. If the President is not able to attend a Society BOD meeting, then the other NCC Executive Committee (EC) members will be asked to attend in the President's place. The request to represent the NCC at the BOD meeting will be offered, in this order, to the following people: President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, Board Member-at-Large with the most time in their position, and the Board Member-at-Large with the least time in their position. If none of the people named above can attend the meeting, then a written report will be prepared by the President and distributed to the Society Board of Directors.
NCC Business Meetings: When a Chapter business meeting does not occur in conjunction with the Society Annual Meeting (e.g., regional node meetings), the President will have the discretion to authorize use of Chapter funds to pay for all travel costs for one NCC EC member to attend and conduct the meeting. The selection of that person will follow the order outlined above.
Other Events: Unless there is a specific and valid need for the President or another NCC EC member to attend an event and officially represent the Chapter's interests, Chapter funds may not be used to pay for travel costs of EC members attending professional events (e.g., meetings, conferences, workshops, training, field trips) or any non-professional activities.
Meeting and Voting
The Chapter shall meet twice annually; at the site of the Society annual meeting and at a place to be determined by the Executive Board.
In the event of an emergency, the Executive Board may cancel a meeting or change the place of meeting, or order a Special Meeting. If a meeting is canceled, the Executive Board shall schedule the next meeting and a place agreed upon among the Board.
A quorum for the transaction of official business of the Chapter shall consist of at least three (3) members of the Executive Board of the Chapter along with any number of active members in good standing present.
A motion to amend the Bylaws or to establish or dissolve a Standing Committee shall require a two-thirds majority of those voting. A Special Committee may be established or dissolved at the Executive Board's discretion or upon completion of that committee's appointed task(s).
The Chapter Secretary shall certify the voting status of members and determine a quorum. Any board member present may perform these functions in the Secretary’s absence.
Adoption of Standing Rules
The Executive Board is authorized to adopt and amend Standing Rules necessary for the conduct of Chapter business by a majority vote.
The Standing rules must include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
Matters pertaining to Chapter finances.
Prescribed duties of Chapter officers and Board Members.
Provisions for the establishment, duties, and methods of selection of Standing Committees and other committees necessary to conduct the business of the Chapter. A Standing Committee is defined as one that is established permanently in the Bylaws as part of the basic organization of the Chapter, or by amendment of said Bylaws.
Amendment of Bylaws
The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing who attend a Chapter business meeting. Proposals for amendments may be generated in the following ways:
Recommendation of a majority of voting members of the Executive Board.
Petitions signed by not fewer than twenty members in good standing or 10 percent of the Chapter membership eligible to vote, whichever is fewer, and presented to the President at the next business meeting.
Proposed amendments shall be submitted or petitioned at one business meeting and voted on at the next business meeting of the Chapter.
Dissolution of the Chapter
If the Society is dissolved, the Chapter is also dissolved, and all Chapter net assets will be distributed to a similar not-for-profit organization. Designation of the organization(s) to receive said assets will be at the discretion of both the Chapter Executive Board and the Society Board of Directors.
Chapter and Society Representation
No member of the Society will represent the Society without prior approval of the Society Board of Directors nor represent the Chapter without prior approval of the Chapter Executive Board.
The following rules are established to assist in conducting the Chapter business.
Section 1. Duties of the President
The President shall be responsible for the business of the Chapter, make appointments authorized in the Standing Rules, establish special committees required for the business of the Chapter, and exercise such other responsibilities determined from time to time by action of the Chapter and its Executive Board. The President shall chair all meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Board, and serves as an ex-officio member of all Standing and Special Committees. The President serves as Chapter Representative to the Society and as a member of the Society Board of Directors.
Section 2. Duties of the President-elect
The President-elect shall succeed the President without further election. The duties of the President-elect are to assist the President and to perform the duties of the President when that officer is absent or unable to act. The President-elect shall serve as chairperson of the Program Committee.
Section 3. Duties of the Secretary
The Secretary shall maintain a roster of Chapter members in good standing and serve as chairperson of the Membership Committee. The Secretary shall coordinate Chapter membership with the Society Secretary, and reply to or direct all correspondence pertinent to Chapter business affairs and membership. The Secretary shall maintain files and records of Chapter business, and maintain and update copies of the Chapter Bylaws and Standing Rules.
Section 4. Duties of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall attend to all appropriate financial matters of the Chapter, including payment of bills, collection of Chapter dues through the Society, and any Internal Revenue Service reporting requirements.
Section 5. Duties of Board Members
Elected Board Members shall serve as two-year voting members of the Executive Board. Special duties of these board members are at the discretion of the President.
Section 6. Duties of the Immediate Past President
The Immediate Past President serves as a member of the Executive Board for two years following completion of his/her term of office. The Immediate Past President serves as chairperson of the Nominating Committee.
Section 7. Duties of the Student Representative
The Student Representative shall serve as a one-year voting member of the Executive Board. The Student Representative will represent needs and concerns of student members of the Chapter at Board Meetings and provide Chapter Officers and Board Members with a student perspective on proposed actions. Other special duties of the student representative are at the discretion of the President.
Section 8. Duties of the Newsletter Editor
A Newsletter Editor appointed by the President shall prepare and distribute a regularly-scheduled newsletter to all Chapter members with pertinent Chapter business and information, including news of individual members and notices of Chapter meetings. The Editor is authorized to solicit information from all member and Society sources.
Section 9. Salaries and Expenses
Officers, Board Members, the Student Representative, and committee-persons of the Chapter shall not receive any salary. They will not receive any clerical or other expenses unless approved by the Executive Board in advance. In emergency situations, the Executive Board may approve limited travel expenses for the President or his/her designee to the Society annual meeting to ensure Chapter representation.
Section 10. Dues and Fees
Chapter dues shall be collected as a part of the dues of the Society and provided by the Society. Student Members in good standing with the Society will be included as Student Members of the Chapter for no additional fee. Changes in Chapter dues and fees for all Chapter members shall be recommended by the Executive Board and approved by a vote of the membership at an annual meeting.
Chapter dues are payable with Society dues, and members in arrears for one year are removed from the Chapter roster.
Section 11. Standing Committees
Standing Committees, composed of Chapter members in good standing, shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the Executive Board within 15 days after the business meeting in conjunction with the Society annual meeting, unless otherwise specified. Standing Committees shall assist the President and Executive Board in the Conduct of affairs of the Chapter. The Chairperson or his/her representative of each Standing Committee shall report at the business meeting of the Chapter. The term of duty for members of Standing Committees shall extend for one year, unless otherwise specified. In event of failure of the President to make Standing Committee appointments within the specified time, chairpersons from the previous term of office will remain in their post until such appointments are made.
Membership Committee: This committee shall be chaired by the Secretary and shall be responsible for maintaining and increasing the membership of the Chapter. The Committee shall take appropriate measures to attract new members, and committee representation should come from various states and sources of employment to ensure wide-reaching contacts and interest. The chairperson shall appoint members to serve on the Committee.
Program Committee: This committee shall be responsible for the physical and technical arrangements for chapter meetings and shall consist of members in good standing residing in or near the place of meeting. The Program Committee shall be responsible for technical paper sessions, tours of interest, and any auxiliary meetings connected with the Chapter meeting. The President-elect shall serve ex-officio and shall appoint members to serve on the Committee.
Nominations Committee: This committee shall be responsible for soliciting and recommending the names of candidates for elected offices and for assembling their resumes and a sample ballot.
Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee: This committee shall receive from the President all recommended and petitioned bylaw or rule changes and incorporate them into a draft for submission at the next business meeting for vote. The Committee shall be responsible for identifying needed changes and shortcomings in the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Chapter and reporting them to the President. The Committee shall furnish a corrected set of Bylaws and Standing Rules to the Secretary after changes are voted upon by the membership. The President shall appoint a chairperson, and the chairperson shall appoint members to serve on the committee. The chairperson or his/her designee shall also serve as parliamentarian at all Chapter business sessions.
Special Issues Committee: This committee shall be responsible for receiving information and notices concerning regional wetlands and other issues from the pertinent public, local, state, and federal agencies and other organizations and the reviewing of same. Upon recommendations for action from the Committee, the chairperson shall draft a resolution or technical letter concerning a subject wetland issue to be reviewed by the President, and at his/her discretion, the Executive Board. The letter or technical resolution concerning special issues recommended by the Committee shall be approved by the Executive Board. The President shall appoint a chairperson, and the chairperson shall appoint members to serve on the Committee.
Section 11. Special Committees
At the President's discretion and at the recommendation of the Chapter membership at annual meetings, the President shall appoint special committees as necessary for conduct of Chapter business. Committees will cease to function upon completion of their assigned task(s).
Section 12. Chapter Archives
Archives for the Chapter will be maintained by the Archivist of the Society of Wetland Scientists and housed at the office of the Society. The Chapter Secretary will be responsible for submitting archival materials to the Society Archivist.
Section 13. Order of Business
The agenda for a Chapter business meeting shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, the following items:
Call to order by the President
Address of the President
Determination of a Quorum by the Secretary
Introduction of guests and visitors
Reading of the minutes by the Secretary
Financial report by the Treasurer
Reports of the chairpersons of Standing Committees
Reports of the chairpersons of Special Committees
Other old business
Installation of newly elected officers
New business